Technology Expertise

We know and partner with the best for your success.

Our technology expertise and partnerships help us select, implement and leverage the right tools.

Our team has broad expertise covering both open-source and commercial technologies to determine which products are the right fit for our clients and deliver them high quality platforms. Thanks to our extensive experience working with companies from different industries, we can advise on questions like build vs buy, on-premise vs cloud vs hybrid, and open-source or vendor provided.

We also partner with different technology providers while remaining independent and open to continuously expand our portfolio. While our team members look back at years of successful collaborations with global technology companies, we offer our clients state-of-the-art benchmarking of both market-leading and upcoming, innovative technologies to evaluate and select the right solution based on their requirements. Finally, we also support our clients in implementating and rolling out new technologies.

With the data and machine learning landscape rapidly expanding and evolving, making sense of the various vendors and offerings can be incredibly difficult without the right expertise. What are your specific requirements? What capabilities do the various tools really cover? And how do different end-to-end data, AI and MLOps platforms compare?

Check out our approach to tooling evaluations!

Partners & Technology Expertise

We have partnerships with some technology providers; with other technologies, we simply have experience working with them.
Together with the other cells of the Swiss Digital Network (SDN), we provide an even more complete set of partners and technology expertise:

tech partners overview